St Ignatius College Ħaż-Żebbuġ Primary School

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‘Ġnien in-Naħliet’ – Cartoons bil-Malti/Maltese Cartoons

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Għeżież Ġenituri/Kustodji tal-istudenti tat-2 u t-3 Sena,

L-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu bi pjaċir tixtieq tgħarraf lill-iskejjel primarji dwar proġett ta’ cartoons bil-Malti li hu aċċessibbli bla ħlas, kif muri hawn taħt:

‘Ġnien in-Naħliet’ hija sensiela ta’ 10 animazzjonijiet viżivi magħmula apposta għat-tfal fit-tieni u t-tielet sena tal-primarja. L-għan ta’ dal-proġett hu li t-tfal ikunu esposti għall-ilsien Malti minn età bikrija u jitgħallmu vokabolarju marbut mal-ħajja ta’ kuljum.

Għal aktar informazzjoni, nitolbukom taqraw iċ-ċirkulari mehmuża hawn taħt.


Dear Parents/Guardians of Yr 2 & Yr 3 students,

The National Literacy Agency would like to inform primary schools of an ongoing project that offers free access to Maltese cartoons. Details of the project are as follows:

‘Ġnien in-Naħliet’ is a series of 10 visual animations targeted for Year 2 and Year 3 students. The aim of this project is to expose children to the Maltese language from an early age and for them to learn day-to-day vocabulary.

For more information, kindly read the circular attached below.

Thank you.

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